Welcome on portal for the Discord Bot "DiscordMapper" allow on all of your users to register on a map and display their origin.
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Login trought your Server ID & Server Pass communicated with !initmap command.
Manager your Map options
Display all locations of your user's registered on your own Server Map, its more easier now for you to know where from people fore schedule an IRL etc...
Every Discord users allowed to set their map position, position can be not accurate or accurate like they want.
See on your own map URL all users localisation who have set their position
Follow these steps for setup the DiscordMap on your Server:
You can start to use the commands listed on this page for use DiscordMapper :)
On Creation of your map, you will get MP from Bot with your Credential to Login on this site and Manage your maps options(More customization features coming later this year)
To get your position, click on the menu "Map Showroom" then just simply click on the desired position on the map, the position will be auto-copied to your clipboard, paste-it on Discord after !YOURCOMMAND
Every User can register their location trought the Discord bot command, its pretty simple to utilisation and accessible for everyone
Commands List:If you have any questions, request, problem etc feel free to join our Discord and tchat us :)